вернуться в форумThe problem is generally very simple but in pascal(i don't know if in C also) the problem is to read input corectly can anyone help me please ? The problem is generally very simple but in pascal(i don't know if in C also) the problem is to read input corectly :(((( I 've tried methods with eof and eoln but theyb seem to don't work can anyone tell me how can i read inpuit in my program (below) please .... (bledy=mistakes, zdanienowe= new sentence, nowywyraz= new word) var m:string[200]; d,i,c,z:byte; bledy:longint; zdanienowe,nowywyraz:byte; procedure sprawdz; begin d:=length(m); i:=0; while i<d do begin inc(i); if (ord(m[i])=46)or(ord(m[i])=33)or(ord(m[i])=63) then zdanienowe:=1 else if (ord(m[i])=0)or(ord(m[i])=32) then begin nowywyraz:=1; c:=1 end else if (ord(m[i])>63)and(ord(m[i])<91)or(ord(m[i]) <123)and(ord(m[i])>96)then begin if (zdanienowe=1) then begin if (ord(m[i])<123)and(ord(m[i])>96) then inc(bledy); zdanienowe:=0; end else if nowywyraz=1 then begin nowywyraz:=0; c:=0 end else if (ord(m[i])>63)and(ord(m[i])<91) then inc (bledy); end; if c=0 then nowywyraz:=0; end; end; begin zdanienowe:=1; readln(m); while m<>''do begin nowywyraz:=1; if m<>'' then sprawdz; readln(m); end; writeln(bledy); end. Re: The problem is generally very simple but in pascal(i don't know if in C also) the problem is to read input corectly can anyone help me please ? Are you have still Problem? |