back to boardplease see it? It got WA. Posted by zealot 19 Nov 2002 19:33 my solution: {$N+} program cable_master; const max=10000; var a:array[1..max] of real; n,k,s:integer; best,f,r,m:extended; procedure readdata; var i:integer; begin readln(n,k); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(a[i]); if a[i]>r then r:=a[i]; end; end; function find:boolean; var i:integer; begin s:=0; for i:=1 to n do s:=s+trunc(a[i]/m); if s=k then find:=true else find:=false; end; procedure main; begin while r>=f do begin m:=(f+r)/2; if not find then begin if s>k then f:=f+0.001 else r:=m; if abs(r-f)<0.00001 then break; end else begin if m>best then best:=m; if f=r then break; f:=f+0.001; end; end; best:=trunc(best*100); best:=best/100; writeln(best:0:2); end; BEGIN readdata; main; END. Re: please see it? It got WA. Posted by zealot 19 Nov 2002 19:35 give some texts please. It seemd that it must got AC > give some texts please. Here is AC. Can you help me anather programs on webboard const max = 10000; var a :array[1..max] of longint; n,k :word; dau,cuoi,giua, kq :longint; ok :boolean; procedure nhap; var i :word; x :real; begin readln( n, k); for i := 1 to n do begin readln( x); a[i] := round( x * 100); end; end; procedure cut; var doan :longint; i :word; begin doan := 0; for i := 1 to n do begin doan := doan + a[i] div giua ; if doan >= k then break; end; ok := ( doan >= k ); if ok and ( giua > kq ) then kq := giua; end; procedure solve; begin dau := 1; cuoi := 10000000; kq := 0; repeat giua := ( dau + cuoi ) div 2; cut; if ok then dau := giua + 1 else cuoi := giua - 1; until dau > cuoi; end; procedure out; var x :real; begin x := kq; x := x / 100; writeln(x :0 :2); end; begin nhap; solve; out; end. It was my friends. But here is my. very little uses math; const p=3.1415926535897; var a,r:integer; s,angl,cosa:real; begin readln (a,r); if (2*r<=a) then s:=p*r*r else if (sqrt(2)*a/2<r) then s:=a*a else begin cosa:=a/(2*r); angl:=2*arccos(cosa); angl:=p/2-angl; s:=((a/2)*sqrt(r*r-(a*a)/4))+angl*r*r/2; s := s * 4; end; writeln (s:0:3); end. Something is strange!!Help! Posted by Tony 12 May 2003 18:56 My program is like yours. But if i use a[i] := trunc( x * 100),it's WA. And if i use a[i] := round( x * 100),it will be AC. Is there something different from the two ways in this problem? Isn't the input with exactly two digits after a decimal point? |