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Discussion of Problem 1068. Sum

I got AC with a program which has only 6 lines.
Posted by chenyuxi 11 May 2004 18:38
I don't believe!!
var n,i:longint;
  if n>=1 then writeln((n+1)*n div 2)
    else writeln((n+1)*(2-n) div 2);
Oh, you are great programmer!
Posted by Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 11 May 2004 20:04
Re: Oh, you are great programmer!
Posted by Victor S 11 May 2004 22:03
It is a sum of arifmetical progression!
Re: Oh, you are great programmer!
Posted by chenyuxi 12 May 2004 16:35
Thank you very much!!
Re: I got AC with a program which has only 6 lines.
Posted by Searchers 3 Nov 2004 16:44
U are verry-verry clever person!!!
Nothing special. Everybody can see that. And I can reduce the length of prog by 1 byte(+)
change n>=1 into n>0 :)
Posted by kcm1700 13 Jun 2005 17:16
so what,,, I did it in 3 lines.
Re: I got AC with a program which has only 6 lines.
Posted by Lunar 19 Jul 2006 06:41
I think one line is OK.
Re: I got AC with a program which has only 6 lines.
Posted by javran 14 Oct 2006 13:38
it is very good.