back to boardI have tried many times.But I always got WA.Who can help me??? const max=10000; var a,b,out,temp:real; k,t,al,bl,m,n:integer; s1,s2:array[0..max]of real; begin readln(a,b); readln(k); al:=-1; bl:=-1; for t:=1 to k do begin s1[t]:=a*t-t*t; s2[t]:=b*t-t*t; if (s1[t]<=s1[t-1])and(al=-1) then al:=t-1; if (s2[t]<=s2[t-1])and(bl=-1) then bl:=t-1; if (al<>-1)and(bl<>-1) then break; end; if al+bl<=k then begin out:=s1[al]+s2[bl]; writeln(out:0:2); writeln(al,' ',bl); halt; end; m:=0; n:=0; out:=0; for t:=k-bl to al do begin temp:=s1[t]+s2[k-t]; if temp>out then begin out:=temp; m:=t; n:=k-t; end; end; writeln(out:0:2); writeln(m,' ',n); end. You got WA on test 5. Here is it. Input: 5434.87 -4567 300 Correct output: 1540461.00 300 0 Your output: 0.00 -1 0 It is wrong. |