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Problem set. Volume 9


1800Murphy's LawNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional2095169

1801The Revolution CupNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional545548

1802Cube PuzzleNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional1602089

1803The Czechs' RiflesNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional497700

1804The Machinegunners in a PlayoffNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional875401

1805Chapaev and a Cipher GrilleNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional346997

1806Mobile TelegraphsNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional1751202

1807Cartridges for MaximNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional2321467

1808Chapaev at the Planet OceanNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional1721951

1809Chapaev and PotatoesNEERC 2010 Eastern Subregional593589

1810AntiequationsPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest734192

1811Dual-SIM PhonePetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest2321438

1812The Island of Bad Luck 2Petrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest1122852

1813Random ShufflerPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest2071603

1814Continued FractionPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest1033079

1815Farm in San AndreasPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest674519

1816Troubles with PollardPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest1342416

1817Merry-go-roundPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest3331014

1818Fair FishermenPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest1651988

1819Professional ApproachPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. Tavrida NU Contest387249

1820Ural SteaksUSU Personal Contest 20111370625

1821BiathlonUSU Personal Contest 20111977173

1822Hugo II's WarUSU Personal Contest 2011497679

1823Ideal GasUSU Personal Contest 20111005339

1824Ifrit BomberUSU Personal Contest 20113161056

1825Ifrit Bomber 2USU Personal Contest 2011367913

1826MinefieldUSU Personal Contest 20111125303

1827Indigenous WarsUSU Personal Contest 20112831175

1828Approximation by a ProgressionUSU Personal Contest 2011726468

1829Routing TablesUSU Personal Contest 2011943310

1830Help in the RNOSUral Championship 2011357929

1831Tsyfirkin's LessonUral Championship 20111342368

1832Arirang ShowUral Championship 2011354937

1833Hopes of RowingUral Championship 20111552067

1834Tennis RacketUral Championship 2011624737

1835Swamp DoctorUral Championship 2011983158

1836Babel FishUral Championship 20112831164

1837Isenbaev's NumberUral Championship 2011572260

1838Samurai's StrokeUral Championship 2011466717

1839The MentaculusUral Championship 20111242545

1840Victim of AdvertisingUral Championship 2011308526

1841CablewaysPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest1442145

1842Local RootsPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest396743

1843Cutting a ParallelepipedPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest694182

1844Warlord of the Army of MagesPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest2031551

1845Integer-valued Complex DeterminantPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest624589

1846GCD 2010Petrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest2153153

1847ZamkadyePetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest664347

1848Fly HuntPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest624589

1849Rabbit Hunt 2Petrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest1222503

1850Space TourismPetrozavodsk Summer 2010. USU Contest1102753

1851GOV-internshipPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest1811727

1852Cube in a Cube in a CubePetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest1212519

1853Laser TechnologiesPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest337673

1854Negotiations with ParthiansPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest781417

1855Trade Guilds of ErathiaPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest2451294

1856War and PeacePetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest763836

1857Alice and BandersnatchPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest2351347

1858Magic CubePetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest763836

1859Last Season of Team.GOVPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest674285

1860FiborialPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest708460

1861Graveyard in DeyjaPetrozavodsk Summer 2011. Ural SU Team.GOV Contest3201000

1862Very Wealthy MoleUral FU Championship 20112521253

1863Peaceful AtomUral FU Championship 20112971070

1864Get-Together at Den'sUral FU Championship 20111911171

1865The Island of MärketUral FU Championship 2011883351

1866Poetic FootUral FU Championship 2011427751

1867NanotechnologiesUral FU Championship 20111192545

1868Prediction ContestUral FU Championship 20112133153

1869New Year CruiseUral FU Championship 20111404232

1870Zinium 2Ural FU Championship 2011463694

1871Seismic WavesUral FU Championship 2011529609

1872Spacious OfficeUral FU Championship 2011409784

1873GOV ChroniclesUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011911356

1874Football GoalUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111692193

1875Angry BirdsUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011331961

1876Centipede's MorningUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011610454

1877Bicycle CodesUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111729619

1878Rubinchik's CubeUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111549210

1879GOV-internship 2Ural Regional School Programming Contest 20112161451

1880Psych Up's EigenvaluesUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111089430

1881Long problem statementUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011543960

1882Old NokiaUral Regional School Programming Contest 20111102732

1883Ent's BirthdayUral Regional School Programming Contest 20112641196

1884Way to the UniversityUral Regional School Programming Contest 2011491654

1885Passenger ComfortNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional1672195

1886Trip 2NEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional1482072

1887Frequent Flyer CardNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional2971066

1888Pilot Work ExperienceNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional706457

1889Airport AnnouncementsNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional1091297

1890Money out of Thin AirNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional705458

1891Language OceanNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional465689

1892Morning in KoltsovoNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional363878

1893A380NEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional561158

1894Non-Flying WeatherNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional2141461

1895Steaks on BoardNEERC 2011 Eastern Subregional1422153

1896War Games 2.1228900

1897Alice and Bob and a string166142