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Problem set. Volume 1


1000A+B Problem10528916

1001Reverse Root3310214

1002Phone NumbersCentral European Olympiad in Informatics 19996868224

1003ParityCentral European Olympiad in Informatics 19993999385

1004Sightseeing TripCentral European Olympiad in Informatics 19992645582

1005Stone PileUSU Championship 19971958779

1006Square FramesUSU Championship 19971574974

1007Code WordsUSU Championship 19973851400

1008Image EncodingUSTU PhysTech Cup 20004242363

1009K-based NumbersUSU Championship 19971638394

1010Discrete FunctionUSTU PhysTech Cup 20005321289

1011ConductorsUSU Championship 19976263246

1012K-based Numbers. Version 28637178

1013K-based Numbers. Version 31285194

1014Product of DigitsUSU Local Contest. 19991642994

1015Test the Difference!USU Local Contest. 19993403451

1016Cube on the WalkUSU Local Contest. 19991879814

1017StaircasesUSU Local Contest. 19999832156

1018Binary Apple TreeUSU Local Contest. 19995524278

1019Line PaintingUSU Local Contest. 19993322462

1020RopeAutumn School Contest 20001551899

1021Sacrament of the SumAutumn School Contest 200010492146

1022Genealogical TreeAutumn School Contest 200010905141

1023ButtonsAutumn School Contest 20007155214

1024PermutationsAutumn School Contest 20004836317

1025Democracy in DangerAutumn School Contest 20002303467

1026Questions and AnswersAutumn School Contest 20009839156

1027D++ AgainAutumn School Contest 20002434628

1028StarsUral Championship 19995791264

1029MinistryUral Championship 19993783351

1030TitanicUral Championship 19991716887

1031Railway TicketsUral Championship 19993972385

1032Find a MultipleUral Championship 19994444299

1033LabyrinthUral Championship 19996517235

1034Queens in Peaceful PositionsUral Championship 19991891805

1035Cross-stitchUral Championship 199911201352

1036Lucky Tickets5053302

1037Memory ManagementUSU Championship 200012831173

1038Spell CheckerUSU Championship 20003136482

1039Anniversary PartyUSU Championship 20003953383

1040Airline CompanyUSU Championship 200015051001

1041NikiforUSU Championship 20002974942

1042Central HeatingUSU Championship 20001866809

1043Cover an ArcUSU Championship 20009201631

1044Lucky Tickets. Easy!USU Championship 200012528121

1045Funny GameUSU Local Contest. March 20002888517

1046Geometrical DreamsUSU Local Contest. March 20007871880

1047Simple CalculationsUSU Local Contest. March 20005004299

1048Superlong SumsUSU Local Contest. March 20007523199

1049Brave BalloonistsUSU Local Contest. March 20006058247

1050Preparing an ArticleUSU Local Contest. March 200010391429

1051Simple Game on a GridUSU Local Contest. March 20002838526

1052Rabbit HuntUSU Local Contest. March 20006361235

1053PinocchioNEERC 2000 Central Subregional4412338

1054Tower of HanoiNEERC 2000 Central Subregional2328640

1055CombinationsNEERC 2000 Central Subregional3577417

1056Centers of the NetNEERC 2000 Central Subregional2721548

1057Amount of DegreesNEERC 2000 Central Subregional2093711

1058ChocolateNEERC 2000 Central Subregional5232800

1059ExpressionNEERC 2000 Central Subregional2221670

1060Flip GameNEERC 20003810371

1061Buffer ManagerNEERC 20002135660

1062TriathlonNEERC 20007701814

1063Domino PuzzleNEERC 20006312207

1064Binary SearchNEERC 20002173649

1065FrontierNEERC 200010051395

1066GarlandNEERC 20002462572

1067Disk TreeNEERC 20003831368


1069Prufer CodeUSU Personal Contest 20012653517

1070Local TimeUSU Personal Contest 20012086657

1071Nikifor 2USU Personal Contest 20012214619

1072RoutingUSU Personal Contest 20012751498

1073Square CountryUSU Personal Contest 20019757141

1074Very Short ProblemUSU Personal Contest 20016392120

1075Thread in a SpaceUSU Personal Contest 20016712021


1077Travelling Tours1240397

1078SegmentsWinter Mathematical Festival Varna 20013865351

1079MaximumWinter Mathematical Festival Varna 200112331110

1080Map ColoringWinter Mathematical Festival Varna 20017037193

1081Binary Lexicographic SequenceWinter Mathematical Festival Varna 20015096267

1082Gaby IvanushkaSpring School Contest 200110840124

1083Factorials!!!Spring School Contest 20011999967

1084Goat in the GardenSpring School Contest 20019038149

1085MeetingSpring School Contest 20012162621

1086CryptographySpring School Contest 200112774106

1087The Time to Take StonesSpring School Contest 20014921274

1088Ilya MurometzSpring School Contest 20011812741

1089Verification with the DictionarySpring School Contest 20011605836

1090In the Army NowUSU Local Contest. March 20013531362

1091Tmutarakan ExamsUSU Local Contest. March 20012442523

1092TransversalUSU Local Contest. March 20015452310

1093DartsUSU Local Contest. March 20016381979

1094E-screenUSU Local Contest. March 20012797457

1095Nikifor 3USU Local Contest. March 20012228573

1096Get the Right Route Plate!USU Local Contest. March 20011813703

1097Square Country 2USU Local Contest. March 20019341358


1099Work Scheduling10051143