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Problem set. Mathematical Problems


1011ConductorsUSU Championship 19976269246

1014Product of DigitsUSU Local Contest. 19991644494

1024PermutationsAutumn School Contest 20004837317

1041NikiforUSU Championship 20002984930

1047Simple CalculationsUSU Local Contest. March 20005005299

1053PinocchioNEERC 2000 Central Subregional4416338

1055CombinationsNEERC 2000 Central Subregional3582417

1066GarlandNEERC 20002462573


1142RelationsDSAP Vietnam Online Contest November 20013238153

1174Weird PermutationsRomanian Online Contest December 2001684717

1200Horns and HoofsUSU Local Contest. March 20021943256

1206Sum of Digits of the Sum of NumbersUSU Local Contest. March 20024042123

12091, 10, 100, 1000...Autumn School Contest 20021462934

1217Unlucky TicketsUSU Championship 20021219409

1222Chernobyl’ EaglesUSU Championship 20023530142

1233Amusing NumbersNEERC 2002534926

1247Check a SequenceUSU Personal Contest 20032097240

1255Graveyard of the Cosa NostraUSU Local Contest. March 20031802279

1259How to Become Star?Autumn School Contest 20031281394

1266Kirchhoff's LawUSU Championship 20033391459

1275Knights of the Round TableNEERC 2003 Central Subregional2042380

1283DwarfUSU Personal Contest 20044380116

1289One Way TicketUSU Personal Contest 20041270399

1292Mars Space StationsSpring School Contest 20041342378

1295Crazy NotionsSpring School Contest 20043389150

1321Floor IndicatorUral Championship 2004. Round 23691350

1335White ThesisAutumn School Contest 20042838181

1336Problem of Ben BetsalelAutumn School Contest 20044220122

1349FarmSpring School Contest 20051020751

1360Philosophical DisputeUral Championship 2005. Round 23951276

1366PresentsUral Championship 2005. Round 2970528

1385Interesting NumberPetrozavodsk Summer 2005. Moscow+Ural Contest2102245

1402CocktailsAutumn School Contest 20054010129

1417Space Poker 2USU Championship 20052551950

1420Integer-Valued Complex DivisionUSU Championship 20052641886

1428Jedi RiddleTimus Top Coders: First Challenge1006498

1467Sum of DegreesPetrozavodsk Winter 2006. USU Contest3861232

1503PolynomialNEERC 2006 Eastern Subregional2661740

1561Winnie the PoohPetrozavodsk Summer 2007. NSU Contest1452898

1582BookmakersNEERC 2007 Eastern Subregional3672121

1591Abstract ThinkingNEERC 2007 Eastern Subregional4091064

1605Devil's SequenceUSU Personal Contest 2008702610

1633HippogriffsUSU Championship 2008532766

1661DodecahedronPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. USU Contest983786

1666Vasya FerrariPetrozavodsk Winter 2008. USU Contest3041302

2125Continue the SequencePetrozavodsk Summer 2018. umnik_team Contest333340

2127Determinant of a GraphPetrozavodsk Summer 2018. umnik_team Contest283779

2138The Good, the Bad and the UglyUral School Programming Contest 20191277104

2145Olympiad for EveryoneUral School Programming Contest 2019360363

2158Two progressionsUral School Programming Contest 2021251644

2171Two Progressions 2Ural School Programming Contest 2022311404

2177Vadim and Sudoku: XV-PairsUral School Programming Contest 202342084

2191Piecewise Linear FunctionsICPC Ural Regional Contest Qualifier 202242075