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Problem set. Problems on Palindromes


1123SalaryAutumn School Contest 20014090121

1297PalindromeSpring School Contest 2004624882

1354Palindrome. Again PalindromeSpring School Contest 20053733138

1635Mnemonics and PalindromesUSU Championship 20082082198

1714Mnemonics and Palindromes 2NEERC 2009 Eastern Subregional1103205

1737Mnemonics and Palindromes 3USU Championship 20091524250

1761Binary PalindromeUSU Personal Contest 20103301094

1954Five PalindromesPetrozavodsk Winter 2013. Kontur Cup. ChU 2013 Selection623927

1960Palindromes and Super AbilitiesPetrozavodsk Winter 2013. Kontur Cup. ChU 2013 Selection646431

1989SubpalindromesUral FU Championship 2013822329

2037Richness of binary wordsPetrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest2021166

2040Palindromes and Super Abilities 2Petrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest277861

2042NikitaPetrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest514053

204431 PalindromesPetrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest852602

2045Richness of wordsPetrozavodsk Summer 2014. Ural FU Dandelion Contest524463

2057Non-palidromic cuttingPalindromic Contest 503857

2058100500 palidnromesPalindromic Contest 1191794

2059Not common palindromesPalindromic Contest 1461484

2060Subpalindrome pairsPalindromic Contest 352639

2061OEIS A216264Palindromic Contest 553561