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If you have WA13shardex1145. Rope in the Labyrinth2 Oct 2017 22:070  
It is very easy to get confused where you should use 'n' and where you should use 'm'Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR]2108. Oleg and Little Ponies30 Sep 2017 20:020  
WA42?shota1635. Mnemonics and Palindromes30 Sep 2017 16:481  
wrong answer #8 - solvedMoustafa Shahin1785. Lost in Localization30 Sep 2017 06:570  
Approach?Saurav Kumar2018. The Debut Album30 Sep 2017 02:314  
GOOD HINTFelix_Mate1151. Radiobeacons29 Sep 2017 21:300  
Please help with test #6.gunfighter1348. Goat in the Garden 229 Sep 2017 09:192  
WA19kitxuli1780. Gray Code28 Sep 2017 17:050  
WA 12ramon93i71881. Long problem statement27 Sep 2017 22:274  
WA #18Amil Khare2069. Hard Rock27 Sep 2017 21:371  
Explanation of the problem Statement & Hint neededAmil Khare1982. Electrification Plan27 Sep 2017 17:269  
Any Help/HintAmil Khare1142. Relations27 Sep 2017 15:334  
Painful to code Mahilewets Nikita [BSUIR]1122. Game25 Sep 2017 01:435  
Why WA? (my solution included) So... Simply say what traps are in this problem. PLEASE!Igor Zubchenok (Belarus SU)1167. Bicolored Horses24 Sep 2017 19:284  
дорогие пользователи и авторыBorisov Sergey1919. Titan Ruins: Transformation of Cylinders22 Sep 2017 15:596  
WA 11Shili_Xu1773. Metro to Every Home22 Sep 2017 08:060  
Help! В чём проблема? Java qNkkkk1001. Reverse Root20 Sep 2017 21:571  
Hint : Dp on treesPradyumna Bang1039. Anniversary Party20 Sep 2017 15:241  
Can you explain this test?Khujamurod1022. Genealogical Tree19 Sep 2017 16:0010  
to adminsCombatcook2082. Poker19 Sep 2017 14:284  

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