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Interesting problemFelix_Mate1481. Winning Chances29 Mar 2018 22:440  
How do we have a stable sort better than the builtin timsort in Python?Kitchen Tong1100. Final Standings29 Mar 2018 15:010  
I CAN´T SEE WHAT IS WRONG (JAVA )Felix Leonel Chaves1001. Reverse Root29 Mar 2018 01:271  
It's very easy problemZamNick1336. Problem of Ben Betsalel28 Mar 2018 04:435  
Who knows test 6?Михаил1966. Cycling Roads27 Mar 2018 16:100  
WA#1Yerlan1029. Ministry26 Mar 2018 21:490  
I don't understand the statementmouse_wireless21059. Expression26 Mar 2018 11:130  
Anyone has Test #7?Kitchen Tong1002. Phone Numbers26 Mar 2018 02:390  
Ввод данных без перехода на новую строку.Ragen1030. Titanic24 Mar 2018 20:501  
my submission list?Faysal Ahmed23 Mar 2018 18:231  
any information about test 13 ?SerjMakarov2014. Zhenya moves from parents23 Mar 2018 06:460  
9th testShohin2011. Long Statement21 Mar 2018 07:122  
Time limit exceeded on tes 8 (java), i dont know which way is excellentAydar1654. Cipher Message21 Mar 2018 06:113  
Incorrect unswer. UnknownAyrat1002. Phone Numbers20 Mar 2018 19:070  
hintsASK1234. Bricks20 Mar 2018 16:020  
what went wrong here? I compiled it in dr.Java and it was okayRiyad Ahsan Auntor1068. Sum20 Mar 2018 04:513  
No subjectIvan1068. Sum19 Mar 2018 23:500  
An efficient solution2ch1223. Chernobyl’ Eagle on a Roof19 Mar 2018 20:390  
Comp errornexerd1119. Metro19 Mar 2018 16:471  
WA 5Ildar Valiev1709. Penguin-Avia19 Mar 2018 04:1115  

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