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No subjectFelix_Mate1949. The Best Picture in the Galaxy10 Jun 2018 23:020  
WA8👨‍💻tproger👨‍💻[GTGU]1237. Evacuation Plan10 Jun 2018 09:440  
Решение C# | Solution C#Viktor1000. A+B Problem10 Jun 2018 01:461  
The dice sides 2, 3 and 6 are (probably) not symmetrical.Alexander Vasilyev`~1015. Test the Difference!9 Jun 2018 22:330  
String takes 1 space count extra when input is !!. Please help me outSaurav Jaiswal1083. Factorials!!!9 Jun 2018 19:530  
Why wrong answer ? Logerator1068. Sum9 Jun 2018 19:230  
HelpEvgeniy1989. Subpalindromes9 Jun 2018 16:440  
if a = 0 and b = 0??gooooooogol1420. Integer-Valued Complex Division8 Jun 2018 16:080  
WA 50!!! what test????gooooooogol1075. Thread in a Space8 Jun 2018 05:040  
WA9? NEED HELP!anonymous1028. Stars6 Jun 2018 22:142  
acceptedMikhail1026. Questions and Answers6 Jun 2018 02:000  
(JAVA) Runs fine in Eclipse but judge says there's a runtime error. HELP!Kenny Castro-Monroy1001. Reverse Root6 Jun 2018 00:282  
acceptedMikhail1931. Excellent Team4 Jun 2018 23:200  
acceptedMikhail1572. Yekaterinozavodsk Great Well4 Jun 2018 22:590  
accpetedMikhail1178. Akbardin’s Roads4 Jun 2018 22:310  
TEST 3 PleaseJumabek Alikhanov1788. On the Benefits of Umbrellas4 Jun 2018 14:062  
acceptedMikhail1788. On the Benefits of Umbrellas4 Jun 2018 14:050  
acceptedMikhail1576. Telephone Tariffs4 Jun 2018 13:550  
acceptedMikhail1612. Tram Forum4 Jun 2018 13:410  
Some tests and hintGleb1698. Square Country 52 Jun 2018 20:550  

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