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No subjectcaptainbroll26 Jan 2019 14:360  
С# Solutionzak4271567. SMS-spam26 Jan 2019 11:471  
Can't understand, what's wrong. C++holykatty1567. SMS-spam26 Jan 2019 11:441  
признак делимости на 7 ;)Mapu1243. Divorce of the Seven Dwarfs25 Jan 2019 02:160  
I got accepted but can you tell me what did they mean by arbitery sequence.... Was it to mislead us??Suparna1545. Hieroglyphs23 Jan 2019 20:390  
No subjectSuparna1545. Hieroglyphs23 Jan 2019 20:360  
No subjectViktor Krivoshchekov`~2046. The First Day at School22 Jan 2019 18:380  
No subjectViktor Krivoshchekov`~2046. The First Day at School22 Jan 2019 18:380  
i want to know whether there exits this data?yejinru1003. Parity22 Jan 2019 11:082  
Why WA 5 test?Meyrlan1005. Stone Pile22 Jan 2019 08:576  
Reading ip and mask on c++v13 [Kungur]1072. Routing21 Jan 2019 14:500  
To admin: Ошибка при чтении данных или...SpamBot1083. Factorials!!!21 Jan 2019 11:570  
test2Igor1355. Bald Spot Revisited19 Jan 2019 15:092  
Solution metrics Execution time and Memory usedSerg_Bloim (ONPU)19 Jan 2019 07:420  
С# SolutionLada Belonogova1567. SMS-spam18 Jan 2019 13:220  
I have AC with such idea but I don't understand how to get a formula or faster solutionIlushaMax1023. Buttons18 Jan 2019 12:112  
Why Runtime errorIzazul Haque Saad1001. Reverse Root17 Jan 2019 01:460  
WA 1 Что не так?Sergo1068. Sum16 Jan 2019 22:171  
give a configuration, is there O(P) sol to judge it has a sol??Shen Yang1589. Sokoban13 Jan 2019 12:421  
Hint..esger1356. Something Easier12 Jan 2019 19:523  

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