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If you have WA #9Smilodon_am [Obninsk INPE]1982. Electrification Plan27 Mar 2023 17:156  
if you have WA#10 try this:hoan1542. Autocompletion26 Mar 2023 18:271  
New tests addedMerkurev Oleg [Dandelion]1613. For Fans of Statistics24 Mar 2023 22:020  
2 lines programm, lol. It's not difficult at allD4nick1582. Bookmakers24 Mar 2023 00:331  
ошибка в тесте 8Denis1005. Stone Pile23 Mar 2023 19:592  
WA #2Pat1226. esreveR redrO21 Mar 2023 18:280  
is true?Didi (OSU11)1997. Those are not the droids you're looking for21 Mar 2023 08:561  
WA #3Iury Izotov FT-161080. Map Coloring21 Mar 2023 05:062  
how you knew, what the test including?Andre Marin1005. Stone Pile20 Mar 2023 21:260  
C# SolutionSerge1083. Factorials!!!19 Mar 2023 18:481  
For WA4Pat2033. Devices17 Mar 2023 18:460  
Python-runtime_errorKlim Shramko2023. Donald is a postman14 Mar 2023 04:270  
WA16andreyDagger`~1285. Thread in a Hyperspace13 Mar 2023 21:320  
Easy ~[RISE] Levon Oganesyan [RAU]1685. Orthography13 Mar 2023 21:235  
Weak tests [ЛЕСТЕХ] UstinovG`~1992. CVS13 Mar 2023 13:392  
If you get WA6Denis Koshman1463. Happiness to People!11 Mar 2023 15:221  
runtime error pythonVitaly Nedzvetsky1493. One Step from Happiness10 Mar 2023 00:230  
Wrong answer UPD: solveddry9goincer1001. Reverse Root7 Mar 2023 20:370  
What is test 35?Egor1503. Polynomial6 Mar 2023 02:520  
Why this is wrong ans in visual C?Iftekhar1209. 1, 10, 100, 1000...4 Mar 2023 19:160  

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