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WA10Yury_Semenov1678. Space Poker 328 Oct 2023 15:220  
how do it more simply👑TIMOFEY👑1116. Piecewise Constant Function27 Oct 2023 01:131  
answer c++Misha Vasylyshyn1607. Taxi25 Oct 2023 21:041  
Does the greedy solution work?InstouT941782. Jack's New Word21 Oct 2023 16:500  
checker failedюри пустовалив1954. Five Palindromes21 Oct 2023 01:290  
Little GuideMickkie2042. Nikita21 Oct 2023 00:050  
WA №16Delpher1497. Cutting a Square20 Oct 2023 17:053  
Помогите пожалуйста, разве это неверное решение (PascalABC)Ahmet1068. Sum19 Oct 2023 22:380  
Почему не засчитывает?Why does not count?№1068.PascalABCYura1068. Sum19 Oct 2023 22:352  
HintMickkie2166. Two Roads18 Oct 2023 18:150  
WA 9Mortus1440. Training Schedule17 Oct 2023 15:180  
WA 19alexxey1297. Palindrome16 Oct 2023 00:230  
What's wrong with my code? WA#9Artem Bakhretdinov1118. Nontrivial Numbers15 Oct 2023 23:280  
O(N^2 logN) TimeMickkie2165. Cake Cutter13 Oct 2023 00:500  
I got it by precalc, but wanna know smart solutionApkawa1150. Page Numbers10 Oct 2023 12:331  
Why WA on test 6?SpaceFlyer1439. Battle with You-Know-Who9 Oct 2023 13:545  
Why Rintime Error!&!?!?!?! (python)Dmitriy1800. Murphy's Law7 Oct 2023 21:160  
help (python)quarylaniel1910. Titan Ruins: Hidden Entrance7 Oct 2023 11:311  
Help me (Python)ArtemNazarov1880. Psych Up's Eigenvalues7 Oct 2023 11:273  
Is it possible to get wrong answer because of rounding numbers?roman velichkin2099. Space Invader6 Oct 2023 17:431  

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