Общий форумI used dp[901][8101] for dynamic programming,but I got TLE.Can anyone give me some hints? Edited by author 22.10.2024 17:34 Post the code for this task, or what is wrong in my code? import math from decimal import Decimal, getcontext, ROUND_CEILING getcontext().prec = 210 for _ in range(int(input())): H, l, h = map(int, input().split()) H = Decimal(str(H)) l = Decimal(str(l)) h = Decimal(str(h)) a = Decimal(str(math.sin(math.atan(H / l)))) d = Decimal("4") * h * a g = Decimal(((H * H) + (l * l)) ** Decimal("0.5")) lm = Decimal("0") rm = Decimal("1e200") for i in range(700): mid = (lm + rm) / Decimal("2") if (d * (mid + 1) * mid) <= g: lm = mid else: rm = mid print(rm.quantize(Decimal('1'), rounding=ROUND_CEILING)) Edited by author 20.10.2024 02:41 In the statement, "any symbol" means NOT any valid ASCII char, but any byte, including those with codes 128..255. Common methods to read text in Rust, including stdin().read_line, expect valid UTF-8 and therefore crash on test 2 where bytes 128..255 are present. I got AC with this: let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdin()); let mut s = Vec::new(); reader.read_until(10, &mut s).unwrap(); Nevermind. Solved. I've detected my error with this input: 11 10 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 3 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 5 roads can be blocked. Edited by author 29.08.2011 22:33 The answer is: 5 1 2 4 8 5 9 3 6 7 11 Thank you very much! I tested your case and detected an error too. After fixing a bug, I got an AC. And that's mostly because of you! Thanks for pointing out this test case. It helped me as well. Wrong answer, test 30. Don't now what to do WA 15: "Teams are as close in their sizes as possible." It doesn't mean that the size of one of the commands must be exactly n//2. Wa 25: "Every team has at least one member" Edited by author 15.10.2024 20:07 use dynamic programming by subsets, one mask in DP state for one breath in a row and two masks in DP state for two breaths in a row, time complexity ~O(k * (n+m)^2 * 4^(n+m)) I had WA7....corrected one error but now getting WA18...Mods please give me 18th test case... Thanks... Edited by author 09.01.2009 13:12 idk why you get error, but i get ac on this task by deleting my whole code and write it again, i'm try to dont use my old ideas in new code Some of my AC solutions don't pass this test: 3 9999 10000 1 A -9990 9999 999 B -10000 9999 1000 C 1 9999 10000 -10000 9998 Right answer: Power on. CELL_ID:A, SIGNAL_LEVEL:VIOLET Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:INDIGO Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:BLUE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:GREEN Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:YELLOW Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:ORANGE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:RED Cell changed. CELL_ID:C, SIGNAL_LEVEL:ORANGE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:YELLOW Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:GREEN Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:BLUE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:INDIGO Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:VIOLET Edited by author 05.11.2014 21:55 Edited by author 05.11.2014 21:56 Add this test too. AC code don't pass it. 3 -10000 9999 1000 A 9999 9999 1000 B -9999 9999 1000 C 1 -10000 9998 9999 10000 Right answer: Power on. CELL_ID:A, SIGNAL_LEVEL:VIOLET Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:INDIGO Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:BLUE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:GREEN Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:YELLOW Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:ORANGE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:RED Cell changed. CELL_ID:C, SIGNAL_LEVEL:ORANGE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:RED Cell changed. CELL_ID:B, SIGNAL_LEVEL:ORANGE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:YELLOW Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:GREEN Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:BLUE Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:INDIGO Signal changed. SIGNAL_LEVEL:VIOLET up up up up up up Nice tests! Suppose, if they (and their modifications) are added, many authors will lose AC (because long double accuracy not enough to pass these tests). Also it is quite difficult to implement long arithmetic solution here and pass the TimeLimit. The task will be Hard* instead of Hard. Edited by author 12.10.2024 21:14 Edited by author 12.10.2024 21:15 input: 2 1 600000 1 600001 output: 599999 The problem is not that difficult, therefore for me the most interesting question is the smallest program possible to write for this problem. Let's define the size of the program as H x W in your solution. Mine is 6 x 8. Who's smaller? =) I've constructed 5 x 6 shortly after reading the prob, trying to do better in the next several hours but failed. For big tests (at least for n >= 44, but may be works for smaller n's) you can assume that firstt 4 numbers are 33 11 22 44 Edited by author 07.10.2024 02:40 Why I have WA#10? I can't think test to get wrong answer. PLS help me Next my code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { double a, b, c, x, y, x2, y2; double X, Y, Z, X2, Y2, Z2; double result = 0; bool bflag = true; cin >> a >> b >> c; for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) { cin >> x >> y; if (x < c) { X = 0; Y = y - b - c; Z = x; } else if (x > c + a) { X = a; Y = y - b - c; Z = 2 * c + a - x; } else { if (y <= b) { X = x - c; Y = b - y; Z = 0; } else if (y <= b + c) { X = x - c; Y = 0; Z = y - b; } else if (y <= b) { X = x - c; Y = y - b - c; Z = c; } else { X = x - c; Y = b; Z = 2 * b + 2 * c - y; } } if (bflag) { x2 = x; y2 = y; X2 = X; Y2 = Y; Z2 = Z; bflag = false; } } //cout << X << ' ' << Y << ' ' << Z << ' ' << X2 << ' ' << Y2 << ' ' << Z2; это типа отладка X2 -= X; Y2 -= Y; Z2 -= Z; result = sqrt(X2 * X2 + Y2 * Y2 + Z2 * Z2); if (result < 1.E-8) cout << fixed << setprecision(6) << 0; else cout << fixed << setprecision(6) << result; return 0; } Sorry, I'm find mistake now, it's a one wrong if in my code, thk all to find this подскажите в какие там данные входные If I delete a branch, does it means that I delete also its sub-braches? +1 please clarify Yes, you cannot have two or more components #include <cstdio> int ncall; int call[100]; void solve(int K) { if (!K) return; if (K % 2 == 0) { call[ncall] = ++ncall; if (K > 2) solve(K / 2); } else { call[ncall++] = -1; solve(K - 1); } } int main( void ) { // freopen( "p1278.in", "r", stdin ); int K; scanf( "%d", &K ); if (K > 1) solve(K); for (int i = 0; i < ncall; i++) printf( "CALL %d\n", call[i] < 0 ? ncall : call[i] ); printf( "BELL&RET\n" ); return 0; } For test #1, K = 4, and my code output: CALL 1 CALL 2 BELL&RET I think it's correct. When finding intersection of segments (a, b) and (c, d) I am finding t1, t2, such that a + (b - a) * t1 = c + (d - a) * t2, -eps <= t1 <= 1+eps, -eps <= t2 <= 1+eps. This code doesn't work for eps=1e-12, but works for eps=0. THIS IS MINDBLOWING Do you know the test#3? i use heap in this problem but got WA#3. please help. sorry for poor english. thank. i used also heap. Who knows test #3 ???. Help me please!!! try numbers in descending order If you are using heap then use should also use something that will store the count of elements because we also have to remove the previous elements that are not in window of size m Use stacks. Push one letter by letter. If stack.top() == current letter, pop the stack. else push the letter in the stack. You could also use deque. wrong epsilon, precision problems |